Week 20, 2013 – Collaboration with Johanna Gullichsen

At home

Johanna Gullichsen has always been our favorite woven textile designer and maker, a source of inspiration. We’ve always been enchanted with her sense of color combination, the delicacy of woven threads and the positive vibes of well-made products.

Not surprisingly, at About:Blank we’ve been hoping for a collaboration with Johanna Gullichsen, and it is happening! Johanna’s textile is sturdy and durable, hence makes the perfect material to replace conventional leather case for Notebook.

Top view
When used

We together has been making few test samples of Notebook cover and finding the optimal way to make it in production. The idea is that Johanna chooses one pattern, we make a batch of a few hundred or less, sell until the batch is out, then she select another pattern, so periodically they all become somewhat limited production.

Three musketeers
Three prototypes Seungho and Johanna made.

Currently the trouble we are facing is the shrinking as you can see in the picture below. As one can spill some liquid on the cover, we tested the wash, and as expected the cover shrunk quite a bit. We are considering pre-washing and ironing which will probably contribute to higher retail price.

Shrunk after a wash (right)

Nonetheless, Johanna and we are working hard to make this happen, we hope the day would come soon to present the beautiful outcome at ABxStore. See all the pictures we made last weekend on Seungho’s Flickr set!

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